Ecowas Rice Observatory Logo

    Resource Center

    Welcome to the ECOWAS Rice Observatory (ERO) Resource Center – your hub for comprehensive information on rice production, markets, and policy across the West African region. Dive deep into our meticulously curated data, reports, and analysis to empower decision-making and understand the rice value chain's dynamics.

    • The Rice Offensive Regional Factsheet

      The ECOWAS Rice Offensive Regional Factsheet presents an insightful snapshot of initiatives aimed at boosting rice self-sufficiency in West Africa. It highlights key strategies, progress metrics, and collaborations between member states to advance the regional rice sector. Explore this factsheet to grasp the concerted efforts and milestones in our journey toward a robust, sustainable rice economy
    • The ERO General Assembly

      This “ECOWAS Rice Factbook” shows evidences, summary of progress and ongoing initiatives in the rice sector and highlights the need to accelerate investment in ECOWAS for the Development of the Rice Value Chain. These facts should be considered, carefully analyzed and used as a guide to ensure that the “rice offensive” contributes to the regional agricultural transformation.
    • Regional Action Plan (2020 – 2025) to Accelerate the ECOWAS Rice Offensive

      This Action Plan of the Regional Rice Offensive was produced within the framework of the ECOWAS Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP) in line with the continental agenda, the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP). Its objective is to accelerate the implementation of the “Rice Offensive” which was initiated in 2014 as an instrument to deliver on its promise of a self-sufficient West Africa in the rice sector by the year 2025.

    some Numbers


    Total Annual Rice Demand: West Africa's appetite for rice reaches 23.62 million metric tons every year.


    Total Rice Area Harvested: Rice fields span over 10.06 million hectares across West Africa, showcasing the crop's extensive presence.


    Total Annual Rice Production: The region's paddy fields yield 14.28 million metric tons of rice annually.


    Total Annual Rice Imports: To satisfy regional demand, West Africa imports 9.48 million metric tons of rice each year.

    118K MT

    Annual Rice Exports: A modest contributor to the global rice market, West Africa exports 118,734 metric tons annually.


    Rice Farmers' Demographics: 5% of the ECOWAS population are the dedicated hands nurturing the rice that feeds nations.